Thursday, March 29, 2007

Leaving on The Midnight Bus to Lima

Well we have one more day in Huancayo. Nice to think we will have 24 hour a day hot water and a flushing toilet. Perhaps we will be used to throwing water at the toilet and will have forgotten how to press the button. We have said good bye to the hospital and gave them our unused gloves and uniforms. All the naughty boys in Kids Ward wanted to come with us. Sad to go but pleased as well. There seems to be some civil unrest at the moment. Lots of marches and pamphlets in the street. we fully agree with them. They need a revolution but can they wait until we get on the bus. Have still not met any other English speaking people so are starting to rehash old conversations with each other. We have no secrets. Had our portraits done by a great street artist so we thought we would share them.


Anonymous said...

Great to have someone to talk English to even it is only each other, I can understand why you are rehashing old conversations.It sounds pretty similar to what Jill and I do all the time. It is now three weeks since you left so it's not long till you get back. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay. I will get Dad to take some photos of Morgan and put them in an email for you. Jill rang the Border Post because I asked her to and they rang Morgan and he didn't want his photo in the paper but it may be in there once he's gone.
Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

it's me again.sounds like you have done a great job there. i bet you are looking forward too nice hot showers. hope the rest of your time away is enjoyable and that you sit back relax and do some touristy things. it sounds like you both need it.same ole, same ole here. work, home housework,more work more housework and a lot of yelling in between. love tan xxx

Anonymous said...

back to civilisation aye make sure u enjoy urselves.

hmm i always pictured my mother(s) as revolutionists. great pictures, great shot of vickie.

lots of love.
saul and isaac