Monday, March 12, 2007

huancayo at last

Arrived Saturday after a 7 hour bus trip. Comfier than the planes. Even had a hostess to serve us lunch. Our host family are lovely and the mother speaks as much english as we do spanish but we get by. Went to the markets with her yesterday and yes we did see guinea pigs flies and all. Her name is Gladys and has two daughters Paula and Betsy. Peruvian food is fantastic and we are bringing Gladys back with us. Spent the morning at a kindergarten in a very poor area of town. We are not going to be working at the hospital ñow. Our programme is Kindy in the morning, Spanish lessons until lunch time, home for another Gladys cooked meal then we teach english in the afternoon. On the weekend we are going to a hospital out of town. One Doctor for three thousand people and we are going to give him our donations from the hospital. We have given a lot of the donations to the organisation to use where they see fit. This morning the children at the kindy were given the pencil cases from the convent and some lollies. They were so excited. The orphanage recieved the socks,hats etc and some lingerie Chris had bought in Buenos Aires we had forgotten to take out of the suitcase.


Anonymous said...

Great to see that you made it. Sounds like a nice mellow intro to it all. Keep well love Rod

Anonymous said...

I have just read your comments from Bribie Island. Sounds like you are having a great time. It would probably be better what you are doing now. Bye for now

Anonymous said...

l'm sure the guinea pigs taste fine, trust me l'll take your word for it, bring back some good recipes (not using guinea pigs of course) saw your mum today vickie, she had her hair shaved for shave for a cure, maybe you could bring her back a beanie to keep her head warm in the coming months. Great job you two, keep safe.

Anonymous said...

Great to see you made it guys. The guinea pigs look positively yummy!! Think I'll stick to cappucino and cake. Have a great time.