Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Infamos Enfermeras

On Monday met a very grumpy Aldo who finally took us to the hospital. After a 3 hour wait we gained our permission to enter all areas of the hospital. We commenced work in the Paediatric Ward. No hot water, the patients have to supply their own towels and toilet paper and only get washed and fed if the family does it. We have filled the family void for a number of children. Linen does not get changed no matter how dirty so we might get the sack as we have used all the linen. The pan room is in the bathroom. Family members usually attend to this and rinse the pans and urinals in the wash basin. No pan sterilizer exists in the hospital and one very old piece of torn mattress sponge is used to wash all the patients. Family members have to pay for all medications and dressings. They have to go to the pharmacy to collect all the medications and IV fluids. This is a public hospital and it costs 10 soles a day roughly AS$4-5 which is alot of money for the Peruvians. It appears some parents go without food to pay for the hospitilisation. Security Guards in uniforms with guns come around and do a head check of patients and staff. People who can´t pay are tossed out.
We snuck out of the ward (something we would never do in Stanthorpe) and had cafe with the hospital manager. Her shout. All though the conditions were pretty rough the children and mother´s seem to warm to us.There doesn´t seem to be a lot of empathy shown to them.
We are going to the jungle on Friday for 2 nights and have booked to go to Cuzco and Macchu Picchu from the 2nd April or so we hope as it has all been done in Spanish.
Sometimes we feel like this is a nightmare. English is not very widely spoken and the primitive conditions make us long for a hot shower, our own beds and tap drinking water but we have kept our sense of humour just.
No photos as we are in a different internet cafe and can´t read the spanish to hook the cameras up.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like Stanthorpe must be better after all. Your bed is pretty comfortable. I know because I slept in it when I had to look after poor little Morgan!! It is very hard for us who are living in civiliziation come to terms with what you are going through but you will have lots of stories to tell us all.
Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls
I don't envy you over there, but I do admire what you are doing. Even though it's really hard for you, just think of all the help and comfort you are giving to the patients. Your efforts will be rewarded sooner or later I'm sure. Be careful with your health and sanitation, because we don't want you coming home ill.
Luv - Jill

Anonymous said...

Good on you Jill being so loving. I have never known you to be like that.

Anonymous said...

can't imagine what it must be like living in those conditions. just as well you have each other. logan doesn't sound too bad after all. had mum out of hospital today pushed her around garden city in a wheelchair she seemed to enjoy herself. off to angelo's wedding on saturday so can't make morgans send off. he will be pleased one less naggger there to keep an eye on them. lone tan xx

Anonymous said...

How come I wasnt invited to morgans farewell?!! I think you should get on a plane and come straight home. Experience is great, but do you really need to suffer for 4weeks. Why do they show no empathy to others, is it cultural. Why was Aldo Grumpy, did he not get an invite to Morgans party either?
Love morning sickness is all in the head.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are you can come to Morgan's party.