Wednesday, March 7, 2007

on our way

here we are in brisbane with our very heavy luggage hoping we will be allowed on the plane without cavity searches. The amount of donations we have recieved has been amazing so we will be nude for the next five weeks as had to ditch the clothes to fit in all the goodies. Both pretty exhausted have to be up at 4a.m. Stay tuned for more


Anonymous said...

Have a great time and don't worry about Morgan and Monty because I have them both under control. Just don't forget the presents.

Anonymous said...

Hows the weather- oxygen levels up there? Looks like you are assimilating into the community extremely well.

Anonymous said...

hi Guys! Hope you are doin well. Everything here is fine. Only a couple of tents left in your front yard siince the big party the boys had at your place Chris on the weekend. And only seen the boys doin laps in the car down the main street a couple of times, nothing to worry about though. They look like thry have been eating. Love to you both and eat a guinnea pig for me hey? Love Zoe