Monday, March 26, 2007

Gone Native and joined the Shining Path

We had a great time in the jungle, water 24 hours a day and a flushing toilet. Much prefer it to Huancayo. The weather was warm not changeable like here. The bus trip took approx 6 hours to get there. Spectacular scenery from our double decker bus. We sat at the front up the top. We figured the death seats were the best. Some of the corners were a bit hairy and at one stage we thought the bus was going to tip over. Photos do not do the scenery justice. A jungle tour the next day had us eating termites and dancing in Shining Car??? clothing. Again spectacular views with lots of water falls and for lunch we ate what we were told was a small pig but on further investigation it was a large rodent.Tasted nice until we knew what it looked like. Peruvian TV were filming at one of the waterfalls which at first we thought we had wandered into a rebel group and were prepared to join. We figured their life must be better. Anyway one with his arm around Vickie is a famous Peruvian actor. We call him Rambo. The bus trip home with the locals was horrific. Single decker bus very crowded and will be lucky if we do not have nits or scabies. Suspicious bugs everywhere even on us. Had to shut the curtains because of the police but we do not really know why. Chris has Peruvian poohs and Vickie Peruvian Plerisy awaiting malaria as Chris got bitten by mosquitos. Still dragged ourselves to work today on the medical ward. Will keep you in suspense about that.


Anonymous said...

rambo looks hot. deb and i plus the kids have just had pizza. deb is disappointed i haven't got the kids black yet.we have decided we need to go volunteering somewhere where there are a few more mod cons eg hairdryers and irons. and we want to be paid. hang in there. love and kisses deb and tan xx

Anonymous said...

well fancy that...finally some real tourist action...and real illness...what is with the showing a bit of ankle??...trying to crack on to a peruvian spunk...careful you do not bring home more than the peruvian poohs...good to see you enjoying back to work!!!see you M

Anonymous said...

hey chris. its jess webster. i read all of your blogs so far. sounds like your having fun. its really sad to see all the little kids so less fortunate than us. anyway. we have to come vist u and the boys when you get back. Lots of Love.