Friday, March 23, 2007

long live mother theresa

Worked at the hospital this week. Everyone has to be stamped to enter and have to show the uniformed security guards their stamps to exit. This is to ensure no one escapes without paying their bill. Have now met the Director of the hospital who congratulated us. We were not sure for what but just smiled and nodded. These pictures are of some patients, the pan room room and the bathroom and Vickie dealing with the hot water system or lack there of. Off to the jungle today and then working on the medical ward next week. The conditions there look even worse.
Vickie has been sick this week with wait for it a sore throat but it only turned out to be a head cold. We have both nearly been electrocuted in the home shower but it does warm you up after the water has been stone cold.
Thank you for the comments and emails. We have enjoyed the little sanity they provide. We cannot email everyone back as it is too difficult.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, just those few photos say so much. Incredible to think , all that equipment was new once, . . . . .how many people has that bathtub seen? I see that the ambo-pants are getting a good run. Must admit a little bit of curiosity as to the removed comment before mine. . . . not Dan sending you unprintable limericks I hope? Keep well love Rod

Anonymous said...

Hope your jungle trip goes careful...hopefully you will have a nice stop-over on the way home or your dad might not let you in the car..too malodorous..I guess not everyone can be a Mother Theresa..thats why she was made a saint and you two will be just honoured with a few cold ones...All good here..still didn't get invite to Morgies party..I don't care I am working anyway..Cheers to you both and also to Morgan, who will soon be off on his own adventure...all the best..Malaria/dingie fever/guardia/runs/....sore throat!!! boring....Michelle

Anonymous said...

As your mother's would say - wear study boots in the jungle and keep washing your hands

Anonymous said...

Well thanks for the call on Saturday night. Saul was stoked because he got to talk to you Chris. I can't tell you all about the party but I will have to email and tell you the finer details. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and Brayden, Saul, Joey and mysef were picking up empty stubbies the next morning while Morgan was still sleeping. Joey is a legend. He can come to any parties from now on. Sorry Michelle, Morgan must have forgotten to ring you. Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

hi girls. can't say i am envious. hope things aren't too tough for you over there.i can't wait too hear all the juicy bits. it won't be long and you will be back home in your warm beds and just in time for level 5 water restrictions. no doubt you will have a few water wise ideas. got to love that bath. take care love tan xx