Sunday, March 18, 2007

when the going gets tough the tough go shopping

Plans have changed again. Going to the hospital in the morning if things do not work out Betsy (the familys daughter who is a doctor)will arrange for us to go to another hospital. Because things have not worked out how we thought for our last week in Peru we are trying to make arrangements to travel to Macchu Picchu.Both of us have been to the dentist now and could be there every day as it is so cheap. $30 Aust for 2 fillings. May come back with movie star smiles.
Saturday our free tour (which we paid for)was to Chypalata. Saw the animal markets. Very sad. Have live sheep tied to the roof of a bus. Then travelled by taxi with nine people with chickens to an old church built in the 1600s by the spanish. Still original altars etc. Then climbed 360 very big stairs after lunch to view some ancient ruins. 6000 years old. Beautiful view very hard climb (lots of swearing). Got down the other side very quickly as our guide lost the path. Like coming down the front of Bald Rock only higher and lots of gravel. We survived just!!!
Our dry cleaning came back a little wet. Early night in bed by 7.30 then the disco next door started.
Today we have been to the cemetery and the markets again with Gladys. Very hard to buy clothing or hats that fit as we are so much bigger than the Peruvians. We are starting to develop a complex as they call us mus grande(very big). Some even laugh at our size.
Shower this morning not cold for once. We both have third degree burns.
Rains every day not heavy but fairly constant and the temperature changes from minute to minute-
We have had many laughs through our time here and the people are very good hearted.


Unknown said...

I think me and brayden should go over there then. Is that pictore on the top right of the cemetery? I've heard about how they have all the coffins like that, never seen it before though

Anonymous said...

:( I hope those Guinea Pigs were for pets and not eating, the church looks like it has come straight from a movie. Where was the 4th picture taken it looks familiar. Well good luck with the clothes shopping, sounds like its a hoot.

- bam

Anonymous said...

now with morgan off to the navy perhaps you should adopt a couple of the children vik. i`m sure deborah would help out with the baby sitting duties. rang her this arv too see how she was going she sounded good. she was busy organising morgans party. love tan xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris and Vickie, Neither of you have reported feeling ill. So, thats good given the unsanitary conditions. Must be karma. Keep up the good work. Oh and if you do get ill, that will be karma too cause you ate baby guinea pig. Or you are being rewarded for trying hard to help so you get to lose a few pounds. All in all very positive. Michelle

Anonymous said...

Those Cuy look good enough to eat!
There is a great pizza place at Agua Calientes, just before Macchu Picchu.
Slow service but well worth a try.
Don't forget to get your passports stamped up there.