Sunday, April 1, 2007

Down Time in Lima

Not much to report. Arrived in Lima at 7.30 yesterday morning after an 8 hour bus trip in the pouring rain over the Andes. Thank God it was night time. Took another 2 hours for our legs to get out of the foetal position. Have been pretty lazy here. The people are bigger here than in Huancayo and seem to have more wealth. Lima is more expensive than Huancayo. With all this time on our hands here is a limerick. Dos Australiana Enformaras went to Peru
When they got there, there was todo to do
They did get so sick
Their waists no longer thick
Dan Manahan we have found the perfect place for you.


Anonymous said...

time for you to relax at last. had morgan for tea on saturday night and then dropped him to the uni. gave him a big kiss for you.i'm sure he was thrilled. by now he would be at he naval base. how exciting for phone bill will be the cheapest its ever been with no calls to either you or mum and dad. am having phone withdrawls. be good. take soon. xxxx

Anonymous said...

I love the limerick. Yesterday when Morgan was being inducted into the Navy you rang me and everyone knew that I was getting a call. Morgan just shook his head. How embarrassing for him!!!! I will email you and tell you all about it. I took some photos but he seemed alright. There were 33 people inducted with 4 of them being girls and the eldest was 22 so he will be alright. I didn't even cry because Morgan was great. Enjoy the rest of your time and don't worry about Monty because I am looking after him.
Love Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hey, good to see that your limerick skills continue unabated. Hope you have a relaxing stay in Lima after the rigors of the mountains Love Rod

Anonymous said...

howdy i like the limerick. i have finished all my assessment mother. A for maths :) .
Went to a lawn bowls coaching clinic to further my career oportunities. got a C+ for spelling
take care of urselves have fun

love isaac

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you...I do not think I want to go to Peru for my next holiday...but then again! tourist stuff looks fun, but the work looks too yuck...cheers Michelle