Friday, April 13, 2007

Leaving on a (midnight) jet Plane

Oh faithful readers our very last entry. We are homeward bound. We leave Buenos Aires at midnight tonight (Friday)and arrive in Sydney at 7.30a.m. Sunday. Perhaps we will apologise in advance for our cranky and bad behaviour when we get home. After all the beauty treatments we thought we were supermodels we know we will not look like them when we get off the plane. Not looking forward to the flight home. The plane is for midgets and as we are mus grande it is very cramped and also very hot. Vickie was prepared to throw herself out of the plane on the way over and after swapping seats Chris understood why. Hope you have enjoyed our adventures and see you in a couple of days.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lost in Latina

Sorry no blog for a while. Did not think anyone would be interested now we are not saving the world. But a few requests from our loyal fans and we are back on the keyboard. Have been to Cusco and Macchu Picchu. Absolutely worth the trip. Now in Argentina and have turned into supermodels. We have both had manicures and pedicures and haircuts. Nothing too drastic. Chris looks the same as when she left. We have been to a Tango show and have both got Tango shoes now. Being resoled for walking as don{t think either of us would be able to get our legs into the position the girls get theirs. Went to see the cowboys yesterday. Then just shopping for two whole days. More expensive then Huancayo. Have started the treatments to rid ourselves of body lice, nits, worms,TB and Giardia. Think that is all although feel like old ladies taking heaps of pills every morning. Vickie would have liked to keep the Giardia for a bit longer. Home in two more days. Both can{t wait to get into our own beds.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Down Time in Lima

Not much to report. Arrived in Lima at 7.30 yesterday morning after an 8 hour bus trip in the pouring rain over the Andes. Thank God it was night time. Took another 2 hours for our legs to get out of the foetal position. Have been pretty lazy here. The people are bigger here than in Huancayo and seem to have more wealth. Lima is more expensive than Huancayo. With all this time on our hands here is a limerick. Dos Australiana Enformaras went to Peru
When they got there, there was todo to do
They did get so sick
Their waists no longer thick
Dan Manahan we have found the perfect place for you.