Saturday, February 24, 2007

Off On Our Adventure

Coca tea and Guinea Pig Our new diet

Nearly time to go. Have been overwhelmed by the support we have recieved. This is our itinerary.
8th March 5.30am. Brisbane to Sydney
10.30 a.m Sydney to Buenos Aires
13.05p.m.Arrive Buenos Aires Local Time. Time difference13 hours behind
9th March 1940 Buenos Aires to Lima
2220 Arrive Lima Local Time Aldo is picking us up. Time difference15 hours behind
10th March Transferred to Huancayo in the Andes Altitude 3270 metres and meet our host family.
12th March Commence our volunteer work
12th March-8th April Flitting around Peru saving lives
8th April 2345 Lima to Beunos Aires
9th April 0600 Arrive Beunos Aires
Free day Sleeping and drinking
10th April Sight seeing tour during the day Dinner and Tango that evening
11th April A day with the Argentinian cowboys, music and dancing
12th April Shopping with any money we have left and maybe a bit of tango practice
13th April 2359 Local Time Head to Sydney
15th April 0800 Arrive Sydney
15th April 1105 Depart Sydney
15th April 1235 Arrive Brisbane and ready for the long drive back to our loved ones and work.
Anyone going to IGA while we are away please remind Morgan to feed and water Monty